Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Welcome to Paul Hammond's Blog!!!

Hello and welcome to Paul Hammond's Blog. This summer was busier than most but in a good way. Paul Sinclair and I produced,and engineered the new Kate Gaffney CD
entitled "The New Then" at Fat City Studios. I ended up playing some mandolin and guitar parts on most of the tracks. The project turned out great and is being very well received by the media, etc. I performed at the Philadelphia Folk Festival with Kate this Aug. and had a blast. We played in front of at least 1,000 folks that really enjoyed the show. I heard the track I played Mando on - "Tired Wired" on the radio yesterday and was totally blown away by how good it sounded. The Chili Pepper's "Under the Bridge " came on right after it! I thought that was cool! Paul Sinclair and I will be performing at the CD release party for Kate at the World Cafe Live in Phila. on Fri. Sept. 30th at 8:00 pm. We will be doing a set of acoustic Led Zeppelin on the main stage!

Aside from that we have also worked on a bunch of incredible CD projects this year.
Some of the highlights were Greg Week's and Espers, Blood is Trouble, Quentin Stoltfus and Mazarin's "We're already there" and Drew Mill's "Bloodfeathers" as well as the latest Frog Holler CD that sounds completely unbelievable! This fall has a lot of good projects on tap for us as well. The Get The Led Out project is still underway and I'm looking forward to performing at the Colonial Theater on the 28th of October, by popular request fans can look forward to seeing me do some more lead playing and a solo section to liven the show up a bit!

Don't hesitate to check back often to read any new posts, I'll try to post at least once a week. here you will find inside news, tips and updates that you won't find anywhere else! Untill then, Best Regards, Paul


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