Friday, April 21, 2006

H2O Conservation

As our Earth Day concert at Magic City Music Hall is near, I can't help but post an eco-friendly blog. One of the major concerns facing all of us is the availability of
pure unadulterated drinking water. The earth needs our help in protecting what
natural reserves of water are here for us and future generations to come. We can all help by doing our part in saving water. Fix that leaky faucet! Don't water the lawn!
Take a quick shower! Use rinse water to water your plants! The list goes on and on.
One thing we all don't want to happen is to not be able to get clean healthy drinking water. As the old saying goes - you don't know what you've got till it's gone. Let's help make sure that is not the case with water. I'll do my part by promising to never spit water on the bass player during the show anymore. It was fun, but in the interest of the environment I won't do it anymore. I heard today that at the current rate of H2O usage that it might become a commodity worth more than gasoline someday. Can you imagine that? I am willing to try to make sure that never happens, and I hope you will too. Every little bit helps. Thanks, Paul


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