Thursday, April 06, 2006

Thanks to you we are Number One!!!

Greetings and thanks to all the fans, friends and family that came to see us at Plymouth Memorial Hall. That was a memorable event for all. We are negotiating a return engagement, hopefully for sometime this fall. As we all know there are countless Zep tributes. What differentiates us is that we are who we are. No gimmicks,
just performing the music we grew up with and love as accurately as possible in a live concert setting. As a result we have consistently drawn more concertgoers to our shows than any of the other Zep bands on the scene. We owe that all to you! The people that truly know the difference between a cheap impersonation/flash-in-the-pan gimmick and the real deal. We certainly know the difference! We are looking forward to the show this fri. at The Colonial Theatre. Tickets are just about sold out so you might want to get some now if you were thinking of getting them at the door. We have some great bookings coming up soon that will be a good time for all. Once again, many thanks to all of you that have helped make us the number one Zeppelin concert experience in the known universe. You all rock beyond belief!


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