Monday, December 18, 2006

Magic City Here We Come!!

Just in time for the holiday weekend the Get the Led Out band hits the high road and rolls
into Johnson City, New York, for a special concert performance at the areas top rock club -
Magic City Music Hall. This is a return engagement, we have performed there before and had
many email requests to return, so we are going back to give them the best Zeppelin concert ever!
Yes, we will make sure that concert is as entertaining and exciting as you remember it to be!
Paul Sinclair and co. have some new songs in the live concert performance that impressed the
audience at the Rams Head Live show. So if you are looking for something fun to do this friday,
get on out to Magic City Music Hall for the Get the Led Out concert. The band members are all
excited about the show and I am too. I look forward to seeing you there! Cheers, PH


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