Thursday, January 25, 2007

Etc. & Gearing up for some big Rock shows.

Hello again. After my brief hiatus from leaving blogs about the band GTLO I am back for another round. We rehearsed last night and went over some key parts in songs to tighten them up. We started playing a few new songs to keep the show interesting and fresh for all our loyal fans. As usual,I was amazed and delighted at how the guys in the band just play and sound so good. There is a difference to playing with real professional musicians. Jimmy Marchiano has a rock sound and style that totally fits the band perfectly. Adam lays down the drum groove with astonishing precision and feel. Paul Piccari is an extremely talented musician who can make playing a song sound easy and as if he's been playing it his whole life, even though he never heard it before! Paul Sinclair is Paul Sinclair, a total freak of nature that sounds more like his rock hero idols than anyone else, including his rock hero idols,(except for maybe Steven Tyler). Andrew Lipke is a prodigy who sniffs out chord inversions and melodic passages like a fox in a hen house. And me, I just love to play the guitar. All kinds. I also appreciate and like to play all kinds of music. When I get tired of listening to classic rock I channel surf the radio and will listen to all kinds of commercial music and appreciate it for what it is. I have no problem with listening to R&B, Hip Hop, Metal, Jazz, Classical, Country, Indian, you name it. I have played guitar on just about every one of those formats so its good to keep up with whats going on in the world of music. I write music that spans the gamut of styles that is out there today. Some of the musical twists and turns I throw into the solo section of the GTLO concerts can be attributed to that, I'm sure. Sinclair is more of a hard rock purist. He likes what he likes and that's it. He is mostly right about which music has the "cool" factor and which doesn't. Though he does practice some Bach on the piano which to me is "cool". As the Sellersville date approaches the tickets are getting scarce. If you plan on going, get your tickets now because they are almost sold out. We are planning some concerts further north, west, and south this year so keep checking for new dates, they will be posted soon, I will try to list them here as well. I get all caught up in playing the guitar you know. I get multiple phone calls, emails, letters, and such that I try to deal with but can't get to because I'm playing the guitar. To those that have tried to reach me and can't-don't take it personally. I'm either out of town, out of the country, or playing the guitar! I'll leave you with this quote from
rock dude John McNutt, "Its all about Rock". See you at the Show. PH.


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