Sunday, February 18, 2007

That's right folks. You can now read the latest news and happening events in my world at a myspace page for and about me and my musical endeavors. I have already posted some music tracks that I have written. The web link is
I have some of my friends linked to me already. I am only adding a few people at a time and I am not seeking tons of friends that I don't know. I will post blogs more often than I do here because it is a more user friendly interface. Plus being able to post tracks that I work on is great fun. Now everyone can hear the real depth of musicality I have spoken of and written about in the past.
Get the Led Out is going strong and the Get the Led Out myspace page is a big hit. We are looking forward to some awesome concert performances this year. The show is being revamped again to keep everyone on their toes. Thanks for looking and I will see you all soon! Best, PEH